Flea Market Fix Up – Weekend Painting Project

Remember the sweet little French Provincial Nightstand I picked up over Memorial Day weekend? I have been pondering over whether or not to paint it or leave it as is; after some initial success with homemade milk paint on a demilune table and several frames, I have decided to try my hand at creating a matching bedroom set from the nightstand and an equally gorgeous vintage headboard. I bought several paint samples a few weeks ago from Home Depot, one of which a light grey, that I have been saving for such a shabby glamorous chic project; and with a tropical storm on the horizon, it’s the perfect weekend to put the brush and paint to work.Original

I have been trying to match up regular latex paints to those offered in Annie Sloan’s collection – because I just love love love her colors (and their namesJ) but I’m not so in love with the prices or the difficulty in finding them. I came across Behr’s Sterling (or as I like to call it, Glamorous Grey) – an almost perfect match for Annie Sloan’s French Grey – and I am ready to put it to the test on both vintage finds. Here are some inspiration photos I’ve been drawing on for this project (mostly from Etsy).HeadboardRedoGreyNightstandRedo

I hope to have some rehabbed and refreshed pix to post Monday!

What weekend projects are you looking forward to working on? Check out Miss Mustard Seed for more fabulous furniture fix ups at her weekly Furniture Feature Friday.

Things I’m Obsessed With This Week

With Spring in the air, colors are coming out everywhere and I’m looking for ways to bring them into my home. Right now I’m looking into ways of adding some light and fun into my bathroom and I am loving pale colors mixed with summery brights, like coral with grey or lilac with teal. My favorite of the pales right now is a soft ballet pink. Look how different it can look paired with alternate colors in these inspiration photos I found to recreate a Glam Parisian Rococo style bath.

Looking for more inspiration photos like these? Check out the new function in Google Images to be able to search for Visually Similar images by a single photo. I am Obessed! Go to Google, click on Images. An icon of a camera will appear in the right side of the search bar. Click on the camera icon and then upload your image. Watch and see all the beautiful images that transpire before your eyes.
 Try it yourself! Take any of the images from my post, save them to your computer and then upload them into a search in Google images to see more inspiring photos for your next decorating project.



Vintage Glam Wall Decor – My DIY Dressing Room/Bathroom Re-Do

Are you a renter, live in a dorm, don’t want to commit to anything too permanent in your decorating style but at the same time, looking for a little change to spice things up at your house or just a new DIY project? If you’re like me, you probably get tired of looking at the same things over and over, day after day and every so often crave a little something different in your home décor. You don’t have to go crazy and change everything. I keep reading suggestions on paint projects to update your home by adding a splash of color to just one part of a wall, for example. Low commitment, low cost and low time. That’s just where my latest idea started -with my peachy orange bathroom wall.
I have been love, love, loving the vintage look lately in everything from daily fashion wear to jewelry, furniture and of course, home décor. I was actually enthralled to find my new apartment had paint on its walls that was reminiscent of a few decades past. (Don’t they always say, what goes around, comes back around in fashion!?!) Like many homes from the eighties (or even early 90s), my bathroom has a peachy orange color on its walls. The rest of the apartment is a mix of different greens, from sage to mint, but to avoid looking like I was too stuck in the past, I decided I needed something to give it a fresh look – a new color other than green. In the age of the Internet, when you Google, “orange + bathroom”, the results of color and themed options is virtually limitless (and overwhelming, to say the least) but loving the muted photos I’ve seen boasting vintage color palettes on Pinterest, I’ve had visions of dusky greys and sparkling silvers mixing new life into my orange décor. That’s when I remembered an inspiration photo I’d saved on my computer a few months prior and have been saving for a project just like this….
            I found this gorgeous glam walk-in closet inspiration photo on one of my endless searches for ways to organize my clothes in my new, but downsized, apartment. Even though I don’t have the space for the fabulous walk-in pictured here, I knew someday, somehow, I’d want to look back on this for inspiration.
Well, it looks like my day has come sooner than I expected and I just might be able to bring this beauty of a room to light (the vanity light of my bathroom that is). The peach walls of my bathroom are similar to the blush pink dress shown in the foreground and the lush tufted grey wall and vintage gold mirror in back have just the look I was hoping to achieve (and a chandelier adds such timeless elegance to any room, but I don’t’ want to get carried away – yet).
As I admired my inspiration photo again, I still didn’t know how feasible my idea would be until I stumbled across this fabulous site full of authentic vintage wallpaper for sale, Hannah’s Treasures.  (She also has an Etsy shop where she sells leftover paper from rolls that are no longer full but still just as beautiful.) I couldn’t believe my eyes when I saw what she had left in a silver tufted print!
Does this not look just like the backdrop to my dream dressing room?!?! I will show you more pix as the progress of fixing up my vintage glam bathroom continues…what do you think of the picks so far?
            What does your dream dressing room look like? Share with me here!
**Want to buy some of my fabulous vintage wall décor for your own wall project?  Check them out on my Ebay listings for everything from vintage Vogue Posters to mirrors, clocks, frames and a whole lot more fabulous vintage home décor finds. Also, finally my Etsy shop, Vintage Velvet and Lace, is open!! There are only a few items posted as of yet, but if you follow my shop you will get alerts as new items are posted each week!